Unwanted Restricted

How to Prevent Unwanted – Restricted Food Ingredients

Many confessions require a special diet — what is appropriate to eat and what is not. There are five most common religious communities: Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and Jewish and all of them have their own rules and dietary requirements.

Generally there are no dietary restrictions, except for the time of fasting: during Lent Christians may stop eating certain foods.

Muslims are allowed to eat halal foods. Any meat and meat products they consume must be from a halal slaughtered animal. Milk and dairy foods are halal, cheese may be halal depending on ingredients. There are concerns that not all meat sold as halal actually is, so careful sourcing is important. Prohibited foods include pork, crustaceans, blood, non-halal animal-derived additives such as gelatin or suet, alcohol and any foods containing alcohol as an ingredient.

The majority of Hindus are lacto-vegetarian (avoiding meat and eggs), although some may eat lamb, chicken or fish. Beef is always avoided because the cow is considered a holy animal, but dairy products are allowed. Some Hindus do not eat milk products, onions, eggs, coconut, garlic, pork, alcohol.

Most of Sikhs are vegetarians. The religion allows choosing whether to eat meat or not. However, it is forbidden to eat meat from animals slaughtered according to religious guidelines, as well as consuming alcohol is now allowed.


Kosher food is required in Judaism. Food must be suitable and pure. Kosher does not restrict foods from any particular food group. However, according to the Jewish law, chicken, turkey, goose and duck can be eaten, but other birds are forbidden. Pork and pork blood are also not allowed. There is also a rule of separating of meat and dairy products. Bread should not contain dairy products as well. And never is allowed to eat shellfish.

Vegetarian and vegan diets
Not only religion make people eat or not to eat certain foods. Some people choose to be vegans or vegetarians and avoid meats, fish, seafood and eggs. So they have to be sure that food ordered somewhere does not contain animal products.

Restrictions around the use of meats, fish, milk products, eggs etc influence people’s lives. And our task is to make it easier for people to determine restricted products in foods.

Be sure, be safe.