Rapid immunochromatographic test for qualitative determination of ovalbumin in foods, kitchen and production facilities.
Egg protein is a known food allergen among the eight major food allergens. Egg allergies often cause severe and fatal immune reactions including anaphylaxy, acute bronchial asthma, severe atopic dermatitis and gastroenterocolitis.
Eggs are widely used in food products such as ice cream, noodles, pasta, various dressing, and wine. Egg traces may remain in environmental surface used for food processing. Furthermore, some vaccines may also contain trace amount of egg proteins, and allergen injection to allergic individual is even more dangerous than food ingestion.
XEMATest OVALBUMIN does not detect the antigens of poultry meat, blood and other parts of the animal body. Egg yolk contains substantial amounts of ovalbumin.
Be sure. Be safe.
- 5 test strips individually packed into sealed pouches;
- 5 Specimen collection tubes;
- 1 vial of Specimen extraction buffer, 22 ml
- Instruction of use.